Monday, June 30, 2014

My Question.

How do you fight fate? Something, a possibility that is never bound to happen? When the sheer nullness of the probability of its happening stares you in the face?
How do you see it?
How do you face it? That is my question.
When all you can see is how much you want to be in that place where that certain scenario is a reality, how much peace and perfection that is going to bring to your life.
How do you fight fate, the ultimate universal boundation to reality and freedom that we cheerfully live in, crave for and knit for ourselves,
How do i fight fate?
And, yes, i also exist with the knowledge that after a while acceptance is going to fill my mind and how it will surely seem like a 'good idea' to forget, to move on over something that was never meant to be.
It is plainly strange how small this moment where acceptance is not acceptable is? How after a while i will disagree.
How some part of myself is always going to loathe itself for not being able to find reasons to waste myself over this simple idea of not accepting fate and fighting against it.
How do you fight fate? That is my question. That is what i wish to learn.
I am writing this today to somehow keep a record of today in my days to come and of the state of mind i am finding myself in today,
In future, i would want to remember this girl, no matter what i become later,
her insecurities, her high hopes, the sheer extent of her emotions and the sheer extent of her ability to experience these emotions, the immense and the immenseness of the numerous scenarios and possibilities that plague her mind, her soul, her heart.

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