Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Demise

The night remains silent
The air, rotten and still
No voices to be heard
In this anonymous, bleak chill

The cold that freezes my soul
That drenches my heart
Roams out in the open
Awaiting a new fresh start

I lie here my body curled awkwardly around
The walls stare at my mottled soul, speechless
My tears burn through my skin
The pain I know is the only thing
Which can redeem me from you

I’ve had my share of mistakes
But you too are no saint
Like foolish children
We continue to paint
Our hearts over and over
And yet over again

So that no one, now, can recognize
Our slow and shallow demise.


  1. Best of all I have read from you. It simply got so close to me that I read it twice. I'll wish the spring comes soon for you and carries you to light.

    Leo says, you have long way to go! :)

    1. well thank you so much..hearing it from you is encouraging. i am surely on my way to the spring... but all the lights are kind of blinding right now
